Review – Oliver, Hope Mill Theatre, Manchester

Oliver is one of my all time fave musicals so jumped at the chance to see it in a live production and brought my sister along for the ride too.

Based on the 1838 novel Oliver Twist by Charles Dicken’s and brought to life by the amazing lyrics and songs of Lionel Bart, this is a truly glorious musical.

Based around the orphan Oliver, and featuring well known characters such as Bill Sykes, The Artful Dodger, and Fagin you are transported back to Victoria Britain, with huge wealth divisions.

Stand out performances were Mr Bumble who steals every scene he is in, every nuance, facial expression and comic timing was spot on and a fantastic booming singing voice to boot, and Nancy, one of the best female roles in musicals in my opinion, didn’t disappoint, with a gutsy and raw performance and fantastic voice.

With so many classic songs to enjoy such as Food glorious food, I’d do anything, Picka a pocket or two, Reviewing the situation, Who will buy, Where is love to name just a few this production is sure to leave you wanting MORE!

Oliver is at The Hope Mill Theatre, Manchester until Sunday 14 April 2024. Tickets are really reasonable from just £22 you can get them here

One comment

  1. mphtheatregirl · April 10

    Still waiting to see Oliver a 2nd time (don’t remember the 1st)- either need to catch it by a local US production or by a US Tour

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