Review – Beautiful: The Carole King Musical -Palace Theatre, Manchester

Carole King. You’ve probably heard her name, you definitely know her songs, but do you really know anything about her?

Well Beautiful: The Carole King Musical UK tour will fill in the blanks for you, and you’ll be transported back in time and find out how she went from schoolgirl composer to one of the greatest singer/songwriters of all time.

The show charts the early life and beginning of the career of Carole King played by the amazing Olivier Award winner Molly-Grace Cutler and starts and finishes with her performing at New York’s Carnegie Hall in 1971. Cutler really is a special talent; her voice is out of this world, it’s almost like she becomes Carol King herself and sounds so much like her that if you close your eyes, you could be mistaken for actually thinking it’s her on stage!

But, as well as the show focusing on Carole King and her truly amazing talent, this show really is a bird’s eye view into an era of USA pop history and is jam packed full of hit songs.

The music really does speak for itself and it really is an honour to hear some of the greatest songs of all time not only showcasing  the composer/lyricist partnership of King and husband Gerry Goffin played brilliantly by Tom Milner, but also of song writing married duo Barry Mann (Jos Slovik) and Cynthia Weil (Seren Sandham-Davis) and you can’t help but sing along to hits such as -Will you still love me tomorrow?,  Take good care of my baby, Who put the Bomp?, The Locomotion, You’ve lost that loving feeling’, Up on the roof, You’ got a friend, Natural woman and many more. 

But the music also documents Carole’s life with Goffin and all the drama that comes with being a married couple who not only juggle working together churning out hit after hit for artists such as The Drifters, Little Eva and The Shirelles but also having to manage family life, love and friendships and ultimately the toll it takes on them.

Beautiful is not only a glimpse of the life of Carole and Goffin, but a wonderful reminder of the pure talent of them both and the other song writers and composers of the time, who we often forget about, but are reminded of every day when we hear their songs on the radio, or on a film soundtrack or featured in a TV show.

The show is brilliant, from start to finish and you really are smiling as you are transported to the 1960’s music factory and get to hear the soundtrack of a generation.

And don’t worry, if you’re not a Carole King fan, or even know who she, you will still enjoy every minute and will be singing along to every song, and I know you’ll feel the earth move under your feet at the end, just as the audience did last night as they gave well-deserved standing ovation to a fantastic show and incredibly talented cast.

This show definitely gets 5 stars from The Biz and I’ll be telling everyone I know to go see it because I 100% guarantee you will love it!

Catch Beautiful at Manchester Palace Theatre until Saturday 15 October 2022

Beautiful Tickets | Palace Theatre Manchester in Manchester | ATG Tickets

Review by Emma Ronan-Peate

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