Review: Bat out of Hell Review – Opera House, Manchester

Theatre is well and truly back peeps, and with a big old rev of a Harley Davidson! 

This week I was lucky enough to go along to the Opera House in Manchester on Tuesday night to see ‘Bat out of Hell: The Musical’ featuring the music of Jim Steinman and Meat Loaf, and when you turn up to see a red carpet full of motorbikes and leather clad riders you know you are in for a good night.

This award winning show first opened in Manchester in 2017 and transferred to the West End for a successful run as well as in Canada, Germany and new York, and after the past 15 months of the theatres being dark, it’s a welcome return to theatre, bringing a brilliant rock filled night of fun and legendary sing-a-long songs and this time round is dedicated to the great Jim Steinman who sadly passed away in April this year.

First thing you see is the amazing set which explodes into action with the hugely talented cast bringing the rock levels to bursting point.

The story is a loosely based around Peter Pan, set in a post-apocalyptic city it’s a love story following Strat (Glenn Adamson) the forever young leader of ‘The Lost’ who has fallen in love with Raven (Martha Kirby) the daughter of Slone (Sharon Sexton) a sexy cougar who is longing to rekindle some passion with her husband Falco (Rob Fowler) the tyrannical ruler of Obsidian, who keeps his daughter locked away in her penthouse in Falco Towers which overlooks the rest of the city. The two star crossed lovers are desperate to break free and be together whatever the cost.

The show uses really innovative technology using close up images on screens around the stage giving a real feel of the underground world where ‘The Lost’ live and the helplessness of Raven locked in her bedroom, desperate to get out.

And with a soundtrack of absolute rock classics such as ‘Paradise by the dashboard light’, I will do anything for love’, ‘Rock and roll dreams come true’, ‘Two out ain’t bad’ and of course ‘Bat out o Hell’ all sung by a really talented cast with amazing voices Bat out of Hell: the Musical is a full on fabulous  fun packed show that you certainly don’t want to miss

Review by Emma Ronan-Peate

Bat out of Hell: the Musical is currently on at the Opera House, Manchester until Saturday 25th September.

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